Instant Rose Petal Tea Powder

Instant Rose Petal Tea Powder

$15.00 /kg


Product description:

Roses, alias hovering flowers, flower Rosa, written flowers, Rosa Rosaceae deciduous shrubs, rosette charming, elegant fragrance, rich colors. Rose mainly contains vitamin C, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, bitter quality, tannins and potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals. Some roses vitamin C content is 50 times the lemon. It can enhance the body’s ability to produce collagen, resist free radicals, and skin from UV damage. Roses and warm, sweet, spicy and slightly bitter, can help the body upright run, promote blood circulation, the role of Stasis menstruation.



Main Function:

1. rose petal powder has the function of analgesia and stability and effect on the central nervous system of choline;
2. rose petal powder has the function of promoting skin metabolism and has a good effect for skin ulcers and other skin diseases;
3. rose petal powder With the function of clearing away heat and detoxifying, clearing damp, subsidence of swelling and diuretic;
4. rose petal powder With the function of antibacterial and dissolving stones;
5. rose petal powder has the function of strengthen blood vessels and promoting blood circulation.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

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